Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Well I went on a short mission. I didn't really have time to say or do much of anything! This mission was so simple I did it in a weekend! I can't disclose what happened on my mission but I will tell you that I am safe & so is all the people of NJ! Without my help, there may have been a masive disaster! I am so glad that I was able to help the good citizens of the state of NJ!

On my way to the airport!
Waiting for the Flight! The TSA did a through job of inspecting my handler. I think because of me...but the handler kept their cool and away we went!

Checking out the sites from the Airplane window!

While I had a little down time I went to visit a great place! Barnigate Light house!

This was a much smaller statue of the lighthouse! It was really just my size!

I then had an encounter with a GIANT pussy-cat. I conqured that beast!

All in all it was a GREAT trip! But I am sure glad to be back on your desk!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Finally Home!

I am so thankful to finally be home!

Monday, August 30, 2010



Ivana Swallow came through & did it! She found me!

I am so glad to be a headquarters & debriefing that I can't stand it! I hope this will only take a couple of days. They said I can go on Holiday. So I should be home soon! I miss your desk sooooo much. It's been sooooo long since I have been there.
Hope to see you soon!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

No Ransom Drop Made

Dearest John,

Ivana Swallow reporting once again. I received this photo just a few minutes ago. The kidnappers said since you did not make the ransom drop they will make Spidey pay!

Don't worry John...From that last picture email, I found out where they are hiding. I will get Spidey back if it is the last thing that I do!

Ivana Swallow is on the job!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ransom Demand!

Ivana Swallow checking in again! I have just received demands. I have not been successful at finding him. They have him hidden so well that I am not sure how to find him. I sure hope he is ok! Here is the ransom.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Dear John,
Hello...this is Ivana Swallow reporting. I have hacked this blog to be sure that you are aware of what is going on. As you may know by now, Spidey has been kidnapped. I am currently in a frantic search for him! He means quite a bit to me since we have met in Alaska. I know that it is not allowed but I have fallen in love with his...ummmm...SPIDEY SENSES!

I am happy to report, I have 2 suspects! Taran Sheets and Sharon Cox. They are both ex-lovers gone bad. They are pure evil. They were agents as well but when Spidey got paired up with Agent Double D, they turned rouge and decided that Spidey must die. Only God knows what kind of stuff they are doing to him right now!

I don't believe that they have demanded ransom yet. I am sure it will be soon! I am not sure what they will ask for so be very careful! Just know that I am willing to do what it takes to get him back!

I am on the job!
Ivana Swallow

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lost in Thought!


I am so sorry that I have not been in contact with you. I have had a hard time getting over Double "D". I still remember the night we spent in your drawer. She was great !!

I took a trip to try and sort my feelings out, and to recover from the hurt of loosing her.

I tried to relax in the sun and enjoy myself but my thoughts were of the great times we had together.

Then things started to get dark for me. I got drunk one night and tried to take over the Ship.

Then I joined that Band for a while to try to get my life back together.

But that didn't work; I turned to gambling, until I had nothing left.

Then as I was looking at the world and trying to figure out where I could go and be happy again it happened.

My new partner came into my life and saved me. Ivana Swallow has been a lifesaver for me; she has brought me back and made me a better man. We have been enjoying each other.

In many different ways :)
She once again has my Spidey senses tingling; Ivana Swallow is all I could ask for as a man with a large load to carry.
That is enough for now. Ivana Swallow and I will be in touch again soon.
Take Care my Friend

Monday, June 28, 2010


Dearest John,

I am so sorry I have been gone for so long. I have been on a super important mission. It is so top secret they won't allow any cameras what so ever! I do have some pictures to post from my pre mission trip! But because it is so hard for me to get on the computer. I have not posted them. I just wanted you to know that I am ok!

I have a new super top secret assistant. The agency decided that since the way Agent Double D's life was taken, that I should not work alone. Her name is Ivana Swallow. Now she is no Double D but she definately has her own special set of skills!

As soon as I am able I will post my photos of my pre mission trip.

I miss your desk & will return soon! Until then Ivana Swallow & myself are doing everything possible...to save the world!

I will write again soon!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Warning !!! Some Photo's are Graphic


Again I must warn you that the Photo’s are Graphic. I am sorry to have to tell you that Agent Double “D” was captured. She was barely alive when she was dropped off at our safe house, which has been jeopardized also. From what we can figure out she was picked up leaving the safe house and taken to Lake Placid where they (the mole agent and his counter parts) allowed the man-eating crocodile to chew on her. She was a strong Agent, it does not look as if she divulged any information. They kept this up until she was unable to take anymore without dying. They wanted her to live long enough to tell us what happened and to give a warning that they will figure out my mission and stop me.

We bandaged her up and tried to save her, but after she gave her report she was so weak that she was gone.

They sent the parts that the man-eating crocodile chewed off.

Can you believe what they did to her?

I was able to hold her hand and say good by one last time.

I will miss her Double “D’s” , I mean I will miss Agent Double “D”

John I have a favor to ask of you. I am going to have her shipped to you, will you see that she has a proper Funeral. It is up to you she has no family and I want her to be taken care of.

This mission will be my toughest; I will try to stay safe and to keep my loss from distracting me from my mission. Until we meet again my Friend,

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My newest mission!

I found myself at my newest mission. I only posted a few pictures since I cannot really show all of them. This is super top secret stuff here...I might even be putting you in danger by letting you see this. But...

Here I am filling out the paperwork for my newest mission. I had several pages to fill out. It was very time consuming!

The mission involved a plane! So now I know why that crazy lady decided to push me from a plane. I needed to practice my emergency procedures!

I had to manually start the plane!


This is the main picture I am not supposed to show you! I can't tell you why. But I am ready to go. I am preparing for take off.
I am sorry I can't tell you more about this mission. I have already said too much. But know that I am safe and well taken care of. I will be in touch as soon as I can!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Out on the town

I was out on the town when I saw this fountain! It was such a nice swim for me! It was quite a nice day for it!

I found this enter sign...I think it is self explanitory

I ran into this awesome form of transportation. I know I look kinda funny...but this bird is FAST! She was super cool too!

I had to do some patroling! I cannot believe that no one reads these signs. I also ran into some wailing lady. I tried to talk to her but she kept talking on the phone and whining about how it wasn't fair. Then she gave me attitude because I tried to talk to her. She was totally rude and it is most likely why no one reads these signs...kids these days!

I am about to get information about my next mission. I will contact you as soon as I can!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Training again!

I am on my newest mission. I thought the other missions were scarey and hard. I was WRONG! This training totally made me think of what really matters in my life. I do miss your desk.

Learning to Arch

I wasn't sure why I was learning to arch and what this strange orange harness thing was for...but I soon found out!

This crazy lady decided to hook me up via that orange strappy harness thing to her chest,which wasn't so bad :). She said I was going tandem. Much to my surprise I didn't realize I was about to get out of a very large plane. She just stepped out of the plane and we were flying. I mean I swung on my webs before but this was way different.

I am not sure what my next mission is but I am sure glad I did this training.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I am so sorry

I am so sorry....Missions have torn me away from your desk again! Please forgive me for leaving in such a hurry. I will keep in touch!