Saturday, April 17, 2010

My newest mission!

I found myself at my newest mission. I only posted a few pictures since I cannot really show all of them. This is super top secret stuff here...I might even be putting you in danger by letting you see this. But...

Here I am filling out the paperwork for my newest mission. I had several pages to fill out. It was very time consuming!

The mission involved a plane! So now I know why that crazy lady decided to push me from a plane. I needed to practice my emergency procedures!

I had to manually start the plane!


This is the main picture I am not supposed to show you! I can't tell you why. But I am ready to go. I am preparing for take off.
I am sorry I can't tell you more about this mission. I have already said too much. But know that I am safe and well taken care of. I will be in touch as soon as I can!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Out on the town

I was out on the town when I saw this fountain! It was such a nice swim for me! It was quite a nice day for it!

I found this enter sign...I think it is self explanitory

I ran into this awesome form of transportation. I know I look kinda funny...but this bird is FAST! She was super cool too!

I had to do some patroling! I cannot believe that no one reads these signs. I also ran into some wailing lady. I tried to talk to her but she kept talking on the phone and whining about how it wasn't fair. Then she gave me attitude because I tried to talk to her. She was totally rude and it is most likely why no one reads these these days!

I am about to get information about my next mission. I will contact you as soon as I can!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Training again!

I am on my newest mission. I thought the other missions were scarey and hard. I was WRONG! This training totally made me think of what really matters in my life. I do miss your desk.

Learning to Arch

I wasn't sure why I was learning to arch and what this strange orange harness thing was for...but I soon found out!

This crazy lady decided to hook me up via that orange strappy harness thing to her chest,which wasn't so bad :). She said I was going tandem. Much to my surprise I didn't realize I was about to get out of a very large plane. She just stepped out of the plane and we were flying. I mean I swung on my webs before but this was way different.

I am not sure what my next mission is but I am sure glad I did this training.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I am so sorry

I am so sorry....Missions have torn me away from your desk again! Please forgive me for leaving in such a hurry. I will keep in touch!