Monday, August 30, 2010



Ivana Swallow came through & did it! She found me!

I am so glad to be a headquarters & debriefing that I can't stand it! I hope this will only take a couple of days. They said I can go on Holiday. So I should be home soon! I miss your desk sooooo much. It's been sooooo long since I have been there.
Hope to see you soon!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

No Ransom Drop Made

Dearest John,

Ivana Swallow reporting once again. I received this photo just a few minutes ago. The kidnappers said since you did not make the ransom drop they will make Spidey pay!

Don't worry John...From that last picture email, I found out where they are hiding. I will get Spidey back if it is the last thing that I do!

Ivana Swallow is on the job!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ransom Demand!

Ivana Swallow checking in again! I have just received demands. I have not been successful at finding him. They have him hidden so well that I am not sure how to find him. I sure hope he is ok! Here is the ransom.