Monday, June 28, 2010


Dearest John,

I am so sorry I have been gone for so long. I have been on a super important mission. It is so top secret they won't allow any cameras what so ever! I do have some pictures to post from my pre mission trip! But because it is so hard for me to get on the computer. I have not posted them. I just wanted you to know that I am ok!

I have a new super top secret assistant. The agency decided that since the way Agent Double D's life was taken, that I should not work alone. Her name is Ivana Swallow. Now she is no Double D but she definately has her own special set of skills!

As soon as I am able I will post my photos of my pre mission trip.

I miss your desk & will return soon! Until then Ivana Swallow & myself are doing everything save the world!

I will write again soon!